
快速排序是实践中性能最好的排序是算法,快速排序的时间复杂度跟数据有关,最坏的情况下是O(n^2),最佳情况为O(n*lg(n))。快速排序类似于合并排序,使用了分治和递归,但是能够做到in place排序。



 * @brief partition for quick sort
 * Select the last element as the Q value, elements between index p and i
 * are smaller than Q, elements between index i + 1 and r - 1 are greater than
 * or equal to Q. Swap Q with the elements in index (i + 1). return index of Q.
 * @note Complexity O ( n )
 * @return Index of Q value.
int partition (int *array, int p, int r)
	int i, j, x;
	x = array[r];
	i = p - 1;

	for (j = p; j < r; j++)
		if (array[j] < x)
			swap (&array[j], &array[i]);

	swap (&array[i + 1], &array[r]);
	return i + 1;

 * @brief quick sort
 * Partition array into 2 sub-sequences withe middle number Q index with q,
 * so that in each recursion, Q is placed in the right place.
 * @note Complexity O ( n*lg(n) )
void quick_sort (int *array, int p, int r)
	int q;
	if (p < r)
		q = partition (array, p, r);
		quick_sort (array, p, q - 1);
		quick_sort (array, q + 1, r);


